A downloadable game for Android


Core Experience Exploration on an isolated island
Survival game for busy people (mobile game)
Target Audience Demographics Male, 13-30, Global
Psychographics Explorer, offline gamer, time-conscious
Competitor Tiny Island Survival, Survival City Builder
Platform Android
Scope 1-2 hour
Game Direction Survival but not overwhelming
Interruptible & session time < 10 minutes (fast progress)
Pitch Players are stranded on a small isolated island and must use existing resources to survive and get off the island, players stopover from one island to another.
Keyword Survival casual, island survival, minimalist, 3D low-poly
Concept Goals Survive, complete quests, get off the island
Interaction Direct pathing & UI interaction
Obstacle Resource and tool requirements, environmental hazards
Rules The player can leave the island if the player successfully builds a ship
The player will repeat the level if the player runs out of lives
Core Loop


Pulo Survival Island.apk 61 MB

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